What all does Elon Musk own?? Elon Musk, there is a rare chance that you have not heard of this man. You might know him as the CEO of Tesla Motors, or the founder of PayPal, or the CEO of SpaceX, he is just everywhere. His aim has been to do what many people just dream of. From manufacturing a super-smart, self-driven car to colonizing mars, you just can't define his field of expertise. There are also a lot of brands that he owns, about which you might not even know! Read on to know more about it. 1- Tesla, Inc. (not founded by Musk) One of the most popular brands in the electric car market is Tesla motors. This electric car- manufacturer has produced many environment-friendly electric cars including Model S, Model Y, Model 3, and Model X. The Cybertruck is also a much-awaited project of the brand which will be unveiled in the coming years. Elon Musk is the current co-founder and Chief Executive Off...