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Showing posts from July, 2020

China's Tech Trap(Why were Chinese Applications Banned?)

CHINA's TECHNOLOGY TRAP After INDIA, the United States and Australia are also planning to put a ban on the Chinese applications used in the country. What is  the reason behind these bans? In this post I will be explaining how these Chinese Applications and softwares pose a threat to user privacy INTERNET CENSORSHIP IN CHINA. Let us first understand  how the Internet works in CHINA. The Chinese Internet is full of censorship and the Chinese people can only see what the Government wants them to see.The whole of China is controlled by The COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA. It is more like a state of Dictatorship in China, rather than a democracy(However China calls itself one). Interestingly, China doesn't have Google, or Youtube or any other commonly used app which we have. For them, the only, Search Engine present  is BAIDU. And it has so much censorship that you cannot even find  some of the historical events that the government doesn't want you to see.  For instance,Onc...

Alternates of Chinese Apps

ALTERNATIVES OF CHINESE APPS Recently the government of India has taken a big step against China by banning 59 Chinese apps in the Country. However, there were a lot of these apps that we used on a regular basis. So it is really important to know the perfect replacement for the Chinese scrap! LIST OF BANNED CHINESE APPLICATIONS.  1.Chingari/Mitron (tik-tok) No doubt, Tik-Tok was the most popular out of its chinese cousins.It has not only been banned in India but has also been taken down from Google- Play Store and Apple- App store. However you have two INDIAN alternatives of tik-tok. Chingari and Mitron. Both of these apps are developed in India and are wonderful platforms for short video creators. 2.Adobe Scan(CamScanner) Personally, This was the biggest shock for me! However i soon found out Adobe Scan as a fantastic Substitute for CamScanner. No big difference could be seen between the two so get it now, if you're missing Camscanner while sending pdfs,documents and pages. 3. Jio...